IODE Canada has partnered with Canada Helps to enable secure online donations that are convenient and private. You have complete flexibility to decide how much to give and how often you would like to contribute to the work of IODE Canada.
IODE Canada welcomes financial support for our programs in any amount. Of course, you can also mail your contribution by cheque to IODE Canada. Please contact IODE Canada for more information about our work or to support a specific program. |
Make IODE Your Charity of Choice
There is no better time than the present to consider leaving a gift to IODE in your will. You can easily add a provision to provide for a bequest in your present will. If you don’t have a will, now is the time to consider preparing one.
Perhaps many people don’t consider leaving a bequest to charity because they believe their gift will be too little to have an impact or they don’t know that a bequest may bring tax benefits. The truth is, no matter what the size, a bequest provides vital support. In many cases bequests are endowed, thus creating a living, lasting lifeline of support. There are other ways one can arrange a legacy gift, such as by donating publicly traded securities or gifting a life insurance policy.
There is no better time than the present to consider leaving a gift to IODE in your will. You can easily add a provision to provide for a bequest in your present will. If you don’t have a will, now is the time to consider preparing one.
Perhaps many people don’t consider leaving a bequest to charity because they believe their gift will be too little to have an impact or they don’t know that a bequest may bring tax benefits. The truth is, no matter what the size, a bequest provides vital support. In many cases bequests are endowed, thus creating a living, lasting lifeline of support. There are other ways one can arrange a legacy gift, such as by donating publicly traded securities or gifting a life insurance policy.
How Can You Give to IODE?
A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets and to carry out your final wishes successfully. In any charitable bequest, be sure to name the recipient accurately. A bequest to IODE might go to The National Chapter of Canada IODE, when you meant it to go to your own chapter or a specific project.
A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets and to carry out your final wishes successfully. In any charitable bequest, be sure to name the recipient accurately. A bequest to IODE might go to The National Chapter of Canada IODE, when you meant it to go to your own chapter or a specific project.
Do You Have an Estate?
Your estate is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. By leaving even a small amount of your estate to IODE, the cumulative effect can be very significant. It is always recommended that you carefully review the terms of your will with a professional trained in handling trusts and estates.
Your estate is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. By leaving even a small amount of your estate to IODE, the cumulative effect can be very significant. It is always recommended that you carefully review the terms of your will with a professional trained in handling trusts and estates.
Make a Charitable Bequest
- Make IODE your charity of choice. Contact us about making a legacy gift. You may direct your gift to an existing endowment or discuss other purposes for which your bequest will be used.
- Let your family know that you intend to support IODE through your will.
- Most importantly, seek independent legal advice or speak to a professional advisor about your plans. Discuss which type of bequest best fits your situation.
Request More Information from IODE
For information on the proper legal description of your intended IODE recipient, please contact:
IODE Canada
Telephone: 416-487-4416
Toll-free: 1-866-827-7428
[email protected]
CHARITABLE REG. NO. 130629702RR0001
For information on the proper legal description of your intended IODE recipient, please contact:
IODE Canada
Telephone: 416-487-4416
Toll-free: 1-866-827-7428
[email protected]
CHARITABLE REG. NO. 130629702RR0001