Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire ("IODE" or the "Organization") is a Canadian women's organization founded in 1900, incorporated by a special act of the Parliament of Canada in 1917, continued in 1968 and further continued in 2013 under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act without share capital. Is a registered charitable organization (REG. NO. 130629702RR0001) under the Income Tax Act (Canada). Members are organized in provincial and primary chapters. Administrative oversight is exercised by The National Chapter of Canada IODE.
IODE undertakes an extensive variety of charitable and philanthropic projects every year. These include both financial assistance (including a doctoral scholarship program) and contributions of time and effort to students and educational institutions, hospitals, the under-privileged and those in need.
To date all IODE Canada capital funds are invested in minimum risk securities. Together For Tomorrow Fund will invest any capital funds in medium risk products.
Pledges can actually be made to any fund. The IODE Endowment Fund, invested at minimal risk, can receive your donations by pledges.
All of us want to see IODE continue on. We know that your assistance is needed in our communities. Let’s ensure our future. Let us all be Together For Tomorrow.
Donate once or give monthly by cheque or by credit card. Donations can be made anonymously.