IODE members have been and always will be our
biggest and most important asset.
We acknowledge the following significant milestones.
IODE Trillium 2023 Chapter, Ontario - New Virtual Chapter
In December 2023, a new chapter in Ontario had its Bestowal Ceremony by Zoom. The founders of IODE Trillium 2023 Chapter were inspired by IODE Evolve Chapter, the Alberta on-line chapter bestowed in July, 2020. Members from IODE Evolve shared their experience in creating an on-line chapter with Michelle Batty, IODE Ontario Membership Officer, and members interested in creating a new on-line chapter under IODE Ontario jurisdiction. IODE Evolve has shared ideas and experiences with the nine members of IODE Trillium 2023 and helped immensely in developing its program. Such generous sharing and assistance! Creating a new chapter is an event to be celebrated by members across the country. |
2023 Chapter Milestone Anniversary
Life Memberships
Other Special Awards
Years of Service
IODE Heritage Chapter, St. Stephen NB, celebrated their 50th anniversary by presenting multiple long service certificates for a total of 220 years of service to the following: 40-year pins went to Betty Moulton, Tina Brown and Maria Kulcher, Janet Emerson received her 30-year pin, Mary Savoy and Susan Embleton received 20-year pins, Allissa Gilmore and Chelsa Doherty received 10-year pins and 5-year pins went to Cecille Ruddock and Ann Dempsey.
Appreciating Members
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2022 Chapter Milestone Anniversary
Generations of IODE Members
Great-grandmother, Mrs. W.C. (Flora) Trick was a member of the IODE Forget, Regina, SK. Flora’s daughter, Mrs. L.B. (Marjorie) Smart was a member of IODE Bing of Vimy. Marjorie held many offices from Primary Chapter Regent, Municipal President, Provincial Officer to National President in 1955, and she accompanied Queen Mary’s carpet across Canada. Marjorie was presented with the Queen’s Jubilee Medal in 1977. She was on the Board of the North York General Hospital and spearheaded the IODE Children’s Wing. Marjorie volunteered at the Service Canteen during the war, rolling bandages at the IODE Headquarters.
Marjorie’s daughter, Charlene Sibbit, founded IODE Elizabeth Simcoe, Toronto, ON. She was a member of IODE Lady Hughes, Lindsay, ON. In Kentville, NS, Charlene joined IODE Olympic and held many offices including Regent. She was also Vice-President of IODE Nova Scotia during her four years in NS. In 1967 when the family moved to Ottawa, Charlene joined and held various offices at IODE Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC. She was active in Municipal, Eastern and Provincial Chapters, holding offices in all of them. She organized a National Annual Meeting in Ottawa. When the Laurentian House was sold, she was the Municipal President who took charge of the divestment of all of the belongings, as well as, the proceeds from the sale of the property. Charlene received Life Memberships and numerous service awards from different levels of IODE.
In 1988, Charlene’s daughter, Susan Sibbit, joined IODE Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC. where she held various positions. As the Membership officer of the Municipal Chapter of Ottawa, Susan was instrumental in establishing two chapters, IODE Margaret Brand and a junior chapter, IODE Laura Sabia.
Now an active member of IODE Laurentian, Susan has been involved in the annual House and Garden Tours, serving as a House Captain many times. Susan has been recognized with a number of service awards.
Susan’s youngest daughter, Katie Burke surprised her Grandmother Charlene at the 2017 Christmas meeting by becoming an IODE member at age 15. She is the youngest member of the Sibbit Family to join IODE Laurentian, Ottawa, ON. Katie is the latest addition to their Five generations of IODE volunteerism.
Marjorie’s daughter, Charlene Sibbit, founded IODE Elizabeth Simcoe, Toronto, ON. She was a member of IODE Lady Hughes, Lindsay, ON. In Kentville, NS, Charlene joined IODE Olympic and held many offices including Regent. She was also Vice-President of IODE Nova Scotia during her four years in NS. In 1967 when the family moved to Ottawa, Charlene joined and held various offices at IODE Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC. She was active in Municipal, Eastern and Provincial Chapters, holding offices in all of them. She organized a National Annual Meeting in Ottawa. When the Laurentian House was sold, she was the Municipal President who took charge of the divestment of all of the belongings, as well as, the proceeds from the sale of the property. Charlene received Life Memberships and numerous service awards from different levels of IODE.
In 1988, Charlene’s daughter, Susan Sibbit, joined IODE Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC. where she held various positions. As the Membership officer of the Municipal Chapter of Ottawa, Susan was instrumental in establishing two chapters, IODE Margaret Brand and a junior chapter, IODE Laura Sabia.
Now an active member of IODE Laurentian, Susan has been involved in the annual House and Garden Tours, serving as a House Captain many times. Susan has been recognized with a number of service awards.
Susan’s youngest daughter, Katie Burke surprised her Grandmother Charlene at the 2017 Christmas meeting by becoming an IODE member at age 15. She is the youngest member of the Sibbit Family to join IODE Laurentian, Ottawa, ON. Katie is the latest addition to their Five generations of IODE volunteerism.
Life Memberships
Other Special Awards
Years of Service
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IODE Atlantic Charter, St. Stephen, NB
(Left photo) President Maureen McClintock presented Past President Lorna Groom-Haley with her 20 Years of Service pin and certificate. (Right photo) Past President and Treasurer, Sherry Hastey receives her 20 Years of Service pin and certificate. |
Appreciating Members
Members of IODE Bemersyde, Campbellford, ON, put together planters as a chapter fundraiser.
Lisa Cossar and husband Ross brought a trailer load of greenery and the fun began. (Top Photos L-R) Certificates of Appreciation were presented by President Betsy Thompson to Lisa and Ross and to Kate McKeown for their outstanding |
Celebrating a Trailblazer
As a young girl, Vi Bjarnason Hilton learned some positive life lessons from her Icelandic grandmother (Amma) that she adheres to as an 87-year-old great grandmother (Langamma), always cultivate good people, read good books, listen to good music, feed your heart and soul, do good things for people so your life is wholesome.
Over the past 15 years as Services Chair for the IODE Jon Sigurdsson, Winnipeg, MB, this vivacious woman continues to hold these tenets. She has honed a network of friends, neighbours, and IODE members who regularly bring her clothing, furniture, blankets, socks and hygiene products that she sorts and distributes to the homeless, women’s shelters, transition housing, young mothers and youth programs. During the pandemic, chapter members collected personal hygiene products and gently used purses for young mothers and youth; worked with the Mama Bear Clan and the Maya Person Fund to distribute over 50 food hampers to struggling families; 50 hygiene kits to the homeless and Move Out Kits of household items for those transitioning from homeless to housing. Two new members have joined the services committee, regularly collecting recyclable items such as wine corks, aluminum can tabs and old pill bottles to be repurposed by other charities. Vi’s mother’s advice was “never keep your hands idle”. Vi is constantly knitting hats, mitts, scarves, blankets, and shawls to be distributed where needed. Often when driving home from a visit with friends, Vi will stop at a Tim Horton’s to pick up a tray of four double-double coffees and doughnuts. Then she will stop her car when she sees a street person and present them with the tray to share with friends. She encourages other IODE members to follow suit. |